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Architectural Pathways, 2012, colour tape on parquet flooring, 10 meters 40 cm x 5 meters 65 cm

By  Mary Yacoob 2016
‘Architectural Pathways’ is a site-specific drawing on the floor of South Hill Park gallery made from strips of colour tape. A labyrinthine set of pathways traverse between architectural points of interest, for example, from mirror to door, from fireplace to heater, from fireplace to door. Each of the pathways is colour coded, creating a textile-like pattern across the room.
Lrkllenecklkqabjxewa Mary Yacoob

Modular Maze, 2010 gold vinyl on floor, 220 x 220 cm

Divination of the Municipal Bank, ink and graphite on photographic image, 30 x 20 cm, 2013

Modulor Hakka House, , ink and graphite on paper, 50.8 x 40.6 cm, 2014

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