Beyond the Curve
- Installation Art
- Printmaking
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Health & Wellness
- Disability Inclusion
- Landscapes
The Installation ‘Beyond the Curve’ is five subtly Silkscreen printed landscapes of a woodland.
Individually rolled up and displayed together to create one piece, appearing to float on the wall.
Each print reflects how my colour and perception of the landscape changes depending on the time of day from subtle greens to purple, the evening brings a monochromatic palette and the final roll is full of translucent colours.
Each one showing a glimpse of the woodland, with the ground covered with crispy Autumn leaves. The trees are bare, and their fine spiky branches reach out across the images.
The rolled installation further distorts the images and gives a materiality and softness to each of the exhibits, depicting the distortion I experience and the small section of the landscape I see at any one time.