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Blind Petunias

By  Anne-Mie Melis 2010 - 2011

Anne-Mie Melis

8 mins 52 secs

'Blind Petunias' shows the growth of both mutant and normal Petunia flowers. We observe the slow movements of plants influenced by the cycle of day and night. The contrasting development of mutant and normal flowers becomes clear to the viewer. We see plants with fused floral organs, flowers unable to open or with missing petals, seemingly blind to their surrounding environment. This depiction of petunia mutants illustrates the infinite possibilities and also the increased responsibility that comes with our increasing knowledge of plant cultivation and ability to control and influence our environment.

Anne-Mie Melis

Anne-Mie Melis

Anne-Mie Melis

prettier-ignore-start Xm2cfrohevto6o3yjwda prettier-ignore-end Anne-Mie Melis

'Are your Petunias actually Transgenic? (#2)

Slow Landscape

Warflower 090611

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