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Anne-Mie Melis

Visual Artist and Educator based in Wales


Anne-Mie Melis work explores organisms and their role in an increasingly technology-infiltrated world. Her work explores science, art, natural creation and human interference. She combines drawing, sculpture, photography and moving images in conceptual installations that ignite our senses and question the interaction between our current environment and how we as humans relate to it. She uses a variety of media; large-scale architectural botanical drawings, assembled objects, plant parts or pruned shrubs, dried plant specimens, stop motion animations, film and photographs. Her large-scale drawings are embedded in the tradition of botany, but a contemporary visual language is used. Some of her photographs refer to plant remnants of a future nature, visualizing a new world with man-tailored organisms. Playful, but also disturbing, her recreated artificial creatures show new qualities and actions different from natural occurring organisms. The animations are the results of a visual research into movement, growth development and evolutionary changes of plants reacting to our future environment. Her latest work increasingly incorporates interactive elements. She invites the public to share her naïve attempts to establish change to our behavior, thus exploring art as a possible tool for its potential to instigate social and environmental change. Running outreach projects for people of different ages and backgrounds is an integrated part of Melis practice.


Arabidopsis thaliana beyond the moon

Prototype for a New Niche for Nature, module IV


Inaccessible. Restoration of Landscape

A New Niche for Nature

Nurturing, prototype #3

Nurturing, prototype #4

Slow Landscape

Future Seedpod Fossil

Chicory Flexine

Watch My Garden Grow (type B, type F, type I)

Condensed Colony

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