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Blue Garden

This is a painting made over a cyanotype collage using blue watercolour, chalk, Egyptian blue and lapis lazuli pigment with gum Arabic and iron gall ink on Khadi paper. It is part of the blue series of works that started in the summer of 2020, and are still continuing alongside other emergent themes. It is about how my walled garden and its forever mutable contents became my world for a while during the pandemic. In all these works blue signifies the profound change that we all experienced beginning in March 2020.
Forum detail 1714124772 Jenny Mellings
This is a painting of two layers relating to the experience and limitations of communication via Skype. The shadowy 'figure' is trapped behind a screen, obscured by the pointillist/divisionist dots of light. The colours suggest a nocturnal view, dominated by orange, which reflects of the ubiquitous colouring of the sodium vapour streetlamp.

Skype 2

The Refuge

Correspondence 2 france Nord Janvier

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