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Bracknell Boys Club

By  Carla Wright 2022

‘Bracknell Boys Club’ is an installation work created from a found photo of a painted mural at a youth club in the early 80s in my hometown, Bracknell New Town. It was a space for youths to hang out, play sports and organise music events. It was also where I went to nursery as a child. The image is a celebration of community and youth centres, as this one is still there and provides space and activities for underprivileged youths today. The ‘ceramic drawings’ displayed as part of the image are a way for me to play, test and experiment with materials. I use clay as a connecting material - connecting to people, to my past & to the ground, giving me a deeper knowledge of my community and of the land. The individual works evolve through ongoing research of materials; locally found clay, granite, quartz, ironstone and plants are incorporated into the glazes & clay body.

Granite Flows install4 1721665130 Carla Wright

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Icklesham Playground

Relaxed Vessel Series

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