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Call for Cloth

By  Lauren Sagar 2015 - 2017
In 2016, Call for Cloth was a new work commissioned by Tall Tales as part of their touring exhibition. Everyone has a relationship with cloth, it is the thread that links us together. Its history is political, personal, theatrical, familial, intimate and spiritual. Clothing and cloth are imbued with personal stories. The concept was to create artwork through conversations, from stories and memories shared about cloth and clothing. People were invited to gift their stories relating to specific items of cloth with a description, a photograph of the item or of someone wearing it, or even a drawing. All gifts contributed towards the community of stories and extended the personal into a shared, yet deeply intimate, community narrative. As conversations continued, it became clear that the artworks should be a series of blankets. These came up many times in the sharing. I learnt that blankets are profound to us as humans. With a blanket we can swaddle a baby, have a picnic, keep warm, dress up. They give us comfort. Costume Designer, Kayt Turner and Textile Artist, Usarae Gul , collaborated with my on the project, giving valuable advice and support both creatively and technically. Many thanks to both of them. This Project was part of the Tall Tales' national touring project, supported by Arts Council England, Grants for the Arts and Open Fund Grant, Creative Scotland, and ‘Commissioned by Wewioraprojects (Elizabeth Wewiora and Helen Wewiora) 2015/16 Call for Cloth was presented at Swiss Cottage Gallery & Library, London, Rochdale Central Library & Touchstones Museum and Gallery, Rochdale and Glasgow Women's Library, Glasgow

Usarae Gul

Usarae Gul

Vhzylnjxjea5tmivegsmq Lauren Sagar


Making The Chandelier of Lost Earrings

Arlington House Wall Piece

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