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By  Dex Hannon 2021
76cm x 76cm x 2cm Acrylic on canvas Painted in January 2020, Chrysalis was the first painting of the year. With its delicate and warm palette, Chrysalis celebrates the new decade, full of hopes and new resolutions. In this period of self-reflection, we are seeking to be reborn, to change for the better, to refresh our spirits. Every January, we create a brand-new image of ourselves that may last throughout the year. This artwork was executed under the influence of the powerful vocal performance of Björk in Jóga.
prettier-ignore-start 9xigqhbpk0s5u56cqf7sq prettier-ignore-end Dex Hannon

A butterfly flaps its wings without a care for the chaos it brings

We are all Lost Transmissions Looking for a Source

Sugar Pop Dream Factory

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