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COLOUR ARTIST, Arts Council England, East Midlands Offices

I was commissioned by Public Arts Wakefield, as colour artist, to work directly on the walls for Arts Council East Midlands new offices, Nottingham. For me the exciting thing was working with colour in an architectural context, developing work for the spaces at Castlegate. It was important for the colour to be as integrated as possible within the offices. My commission in the Arts Council Offices was extended to include some work on the stairs, approaching the main reception. This work was conceived to connect with the structure of the stairs, and to function as a visual lead into the offices, where visitors would experience other artwork including my work as colour artist.
Okkbktcaek9i2oyxjthoq Sheila Ravnkilde

POURED LENGTHS - suspended

COLOUR INSTALLATION 2009 at The Richard Attenborough Centre

RED WEDGE – scaffold

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