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EXTERNAL 1 - Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery

As a part of A Big Hand For, alongside other artists, my exhibition included both internal and external work, which was also shown at Octopus Gallery, Saffron Walden. The sculpture was designed to walk through and around, with one open skeletal structure using recycled timber, and the partially enclosed area mirroring the shape of the open area. The enclosed was built using twin walled polycarbonate, semi opaque, with metal fittings, joined to the timber structure. Strong fixings held the work safely in place to withstand any potential wind speed. The views over the city were framed by altering views from within and around the work.
Okkbktcaek9i2oyxjthoq Sheila Ravnkilde


Black/ white/ grey sections - STRUCTURE + Sections – WALL BASED

LONG BOXES – 12 colours

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