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Correspondence 10 (Apu)


This is another work from the ongoing 'Correspondences' series, exploring aspects of the digital world, particularly the internet. It's a larger painting than those I previously made using similar, almost 'Pointillist' or 'Divisionist' methods, and the subject matter is to do with a specific connection with a film. A frame from that film (The Apu Trilogy part 1 director: Satyajit Ray, cameraman: Subatra Mitra) forms the lower layer, and the speckled layer over the top partly obscures this, and it's veil-like form is a way of representing a computer screen, but also perhaps other elements such as the passing of time, or physical distance. As part of the 'Correspondences' series (a yet incomplete body of work), this image has personal resonances, but is primarily an experiment that is leading on to others. Mostly painted in oil, the surface also contains tiny flecks of pearl lustre and silver leaf.


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