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Do You Remember Me?

By  Sue Stone 2016
Do You Remember Me? I am an invited Gallery Artist at the Knitting & Stitching shows Autumn 2016 touring to London, Dublin and Harrogate. This new body of work will explore ‘memory of self’ and ‘relationships with self’. I will also be writing a book. The publication will include documentation of the thoughts and processes behind the making of the work. The aim of this exhibition is to connect with the audience through interaction and collecting ‘memories of self’ from some of the extraordinary, ordinary people I meet along the way. From these I will create a digital archive of re-tellings of other people’s ‘memories of self’. The project will culminate in 2018 with the production of large scale mixed media pieces incorporating the memories of those who have taken part. Sponsored by The Textile Society (working title Me& Mine)

sue stone

sue stone

sue stone

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Self Portraits 66

Girls day out in the East End for Hilda, Nellie and Ida

A Step into the Unknown

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