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Dresser Fragments

This series of 4 works look at the role of the Welsh Dresser within my childhood in Wales. 1.'The Welsh Mam' is a comment on the matriarchal society of the Welsh slate quarries 2.'Departing Dogs ' are miniature Staffordshire ceramic dogs which always had a place in traditional Welsh furniture.They sit in cast lead boats, hence the departing 3.'The Parlour 'using traditional dresser trivia includes the craft work of bothgenders of the household 4. 'Work and Play"- role of animals as workhorses in the quarries and of contemporary farming




prettier-ignore-start Ra76gtzznkaooke50bz9g prettier-ignore-end Marged Pendrell

Retake/Reinvent -Ailwneud/Ailddyfeisio

Merched Chwarel


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