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En Paviljong som Lyssnar på Skogen

By  Steve Messam 2013
En Paviljong som Lyssnar på Skogen (A Pavilion for Listening to the Forest) is a site-specific structure suspended from the trees in the Mittlandsskogen, Öland, Sweden. The Pavilion - although capable of seating two people - is a stimulus to listen to the forest - not just the audible sounds but recognising how the forest wants to behave and grow. The pavilion is drawn from the tradition of small buildngs in Chinese Gardens - each named as an action to take within them. Chinese gardens are a reflection of man's place within a wider nature drawn from a 2,000 year culture of appreciation of the landscape. The tensile fabric structure is connected directly into the trees and ground - the forest acting as the solid structure from which the pavilion is hung. The red lines physically connect the forest together at a common meeting point from which the structure emerges. A light steel frame encloses the central part defining the human space within the unmanaged forest. Commissioned by YellowBox, Sättra, Sweden.
Coj6yitdguoe1iosxctxdq Steve Messam




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