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Steve Messam

Barnard Castle
I am a landscape-based artist creating large-scale temporary installations that explore the layers of narrative bound up in landscapes - both rural and urban

I create temporary installations in mostly rural landscapes. The work is drawn from the layers of narrative that make up landscapes - their temporary nature resulting in them become part of that ongoing narrative.

Once upon a time and never again.

Using colour, shape, scale and sightlines, the pieces are designed to be experienced rather than merely viewed as images. As installations rather than sculptures, the pieces temporarily become part of the landscape, changing the way familiar places are viewed and experienced whilst exploring aspets which make the place what it is. Using lightweight materials - typically textiles - the pieces have a delicacy that permanent pieces can't. Their fragility results in subtle movements and sounds wich add to the experience. Robust and often technically challenging engineering adds to the illusion of effortless simplicity.

Working within protected landscapes and heritage locations, the pieces are light in footprint and have no lasting environmental impact. All materials are subsequently recycled or reused.








Pointed (2017)


When the Red Rose in Blackpool


Tunnel #1


Featured in


What Do Axis Artists Do All Day? Steve Messam


Curated Selection: Architecture

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