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End of White Carr Lane, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire UK, via Google Street View, 11 May 2016

By  Mik Godley 2016
Adobe Ideas (vector app) on iPad2 For the project "As if Silesia" - preparations for going to Silesia. A development from the 2013/14 First Art Arts Council England "Creative People & Places" commission to document the North East Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire coalfields - a project I am continuing well after the commission ended, employing images sourced from Google Street View to create drawing and painting both digitally and "analogue" - using computers, an iPad, an iPod Touch and mobile phones, as well as "traditional" media. For more information see:

Mik Godley

Mik Godley

Mik Godley

prettier-ignore-start Shapnjfkq0kxw5lgufzl0a prettier-ignore-end Mik Godley

Glacial Landscapes

Considering Silesia

The Pipe

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