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Experimental Drawing - Horizons 6th Form, St Martins School

By  Karen Logan 2023
Was thrilled when asked to develop and lead 9 weekly sessions of experimental drawing with Horizons SEND 6th Form. St Martins School is located in Derby City centre, not far from QUAD - the perfect setting for the group to explore, interact and take centre stage in the city! Activities were playful and varied, using outdoor sites and local museum spaces creatively. Each week we walked and drew, chatted and shared responses before returning to the participation space at QUAD to develop our drawings. Activities included drawing with seeds onto compost and watching them grow, drawing while moving to music, making drawings on rice paper and leaving them by the River Derwent to melt away... The group were brilliant in giving every activity a go and a total delight to work alongside. Horizons 6th Form fed back that this was the standout project of the year at QUAD because of the impact it had on the students. Thank you to Daisy, Catriona and Mandy for the support in creating and sharing this lovely project.

Catriona Kelly

Catriona Kelly

Catriona Kelly

prettier-ignore-start Uaiu3cxfp0odrwfzrtuq prettier-ignore-end Karen Logan

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