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Thread Stick

By  Karen Logan 2021
These are as yet untitled, siblings of the first Thread Stick made in 2016 using a cherry branch and my auntie Jessie's threads. The colourful stick is made using all the reels of thread from my mum's sewing tin. It is incredibly precious and I see her wardrobe in the reels purchased to mend her clothes. The black and brown stick is made using my aunt Jessie's threads - it was challenging working with the curves of that particular branch. The threads are meticulously wrapped, thread next to thread until the surface of the branch is covered. Tight wrapping allows the form and undulation of each branch to shine through, tension creates a surface sheen. I played with the sticks in and around Haarlem Artspace and enjoyed walking with the sticks and finding their balance point in both hands.
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Thread Stick and Handkerchiefs

Experimental Drawing - Horizons 6th Form, St Martins School

Everybody Draw - The Big Draw Festival

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