Facing The Dark - L.A.S.H.
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‘Facing The Dark’ is a song and video that explores the rhythms of hidden everyday life. The video utilises the free public domain film footage from the Prelinger Archives.
FACING THE DARK (words by L.A.S.H.)
Facing the dark, your edges are golden
Facing the dark, over your shoulder
We can’t go on, with this space between us
January blues, sunlight redeem us
Now you’re in front of me, and all that I can see
It’s always you and me, you and me, you and me
That’s where I want to be
Facing the dark, shrug of your heaviness
Flowers by the stream, the forest upon my dress
January blues are fading behind us
The space in between, here to remind us
Now you’re in front of me, and all that I can see
It’s always you and me, you and me, you and me
That’s where I want to be
Facing the dark, facing the dark
Facing the dark, facing the dark
It’s always you and me, you and me, you and me
It’s always you and me, you and me, you and me
It’s always you and me, you and me, you and me
That’s where I want to be