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Facsimile (Avebury I)

The rock at the centre of Facsimile is a fibreglass replica of one of the standing stones at Avebury, chosen in combination for their history and cultural significance but primarily as Avebury was a common stop-off on our routes to the Devon coast. 
The piece reduces the megalithic stone to a cheap looking replica, as found in a studio prophouse, adorning a crazy golf course, or more pertinently surrounding a funpool - the grey primer finish directly replicating those around the pool.
Made directly  from 3D scans found online the rock is stripped of the experience of the place and location, exploring commodification of landscape and heritage objects as backdrop and accessory while considering how large parts of our understanding of the world are through representations and replica rather than direct experience. 
The cage form in this case could be seen as a type of scaffold, perhaps holding the rock in place, supporting it or perhaps being used to ‘repair’ it with a loving coat of primer to protect it for the future while removing its detail and history

00507ff3 eeb8 4387 bef4 efaa08693841 rw 1200 1 1714395161 Stuart Robinson

Automatic Change Giver

All Things Fall


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