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Farthest Reach - Glass

Ewan Robertson

Farthest Reach comprises of 2 sited sculptures. A work grown solely from Mycelium, a living, changing and trasient material. The second work is made chiefly of Glass, another earth-derived material with more permanence and longevity. The Mycelium sculpture is installed in a remote area of Glentress forest and will naturally return to the earth over a few short months. The Glass sculptures are shown as part of a number of pop-up installations over the summer of 2021, the first on Yellowcraigs beach in early July. The glass blocks with meteorites were housed in a vertical solid bright bar post post roughly human size. Images show both meteorite and impactite fragments visible within the 3 blocks. The smallest a rough glass shard with a flake of Darwin Glasscaught within. The largest block contains a chickpea sized fragment of Impactite green in colour, cut through on the top surface of the block and revealing pits, minerals and wing-like structures within. The ground-basedflatter block contains a 2cm cross-section of Zhob 2020, a chondrite that fell last year in NE Pakistan after a probable 4.5 billion year existence somewhere in our inner solar system, likely hailing from the asteroid belt. Farthest Reach is the 3rd of 3 collaborative artwork by Asteria Creative. Details here: Asteria Creative are : Gonzalo Gil — Physicist, Polina Chizhova — Artist & Art Historian, Tom Cross — Sound Designer, Linda Di Felice — Physicist, Herve Girardin — Sound Designer, Divyanshi Gupta — Animator, Ewan Robertson — Sculptor, Tamara Rogovic – Artist, James Stephen Wright — Artist

Ewan Robertson

Ewan Robertson

Ewan Robertson

P2zhbmzqhke3lhvktkw Ewan Robertson


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