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Fiddlehead & Fernblades

By  Adrian Moakes 2011

June Brown

650cm x 200cm x 200cm

This dramatic sculpture depicts the prehistoric coal-forming ferns that once grew on the site and led to its former usage as Gomersal Pit. The artwork acts as a fitting landmark at the highest point of Colliery Field, which was landscaped after the pit closed in 1973 and forms part of the beautiful surroundings of Oakwell Hall Country Park, Batley. Designs were generated and developed in a comprehensive consultation programme including field trips, exhibitions, meet the artist days, school and public workshops. 'Awards For All' funding was supplemented by a donation from the Friends of Oakwell Hall, who stated: “The artwork is inspiring, befitting the place and its history. A wonderful idea elegantly and brilliantly executed”.
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Natural Selection

The Hazel Grove Sculpture

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