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Flotilla-Wild Boats

By  Marged Pendrell 2016 - 2017
This work has its origin partly in the mining histories of the Croesor and Rhyd valleys in Snowdonia North Wales ,when the sea shore was defined by the vallery contours and the sea vessels played an important part in industrial transportation. The work began when I moved from my large old barn studio in the Croesor valley to a smaller one in my garden in the next valley and the 'cargo' I decided to take with me. I began making small boats made from my barn collections and from objects found on my daily walks from one studio to another.These included slate,lead and copper,materials that were mined or quarried on the land, as well as the earth and peat that was walked on daily. Most of these vessels are metaphorical rather than practical in nature and have much in common with the votive boats of past cultures and mythology. The work also highlights the contemporary issue of the current migrant crisis.

Lindsey Colbourne

Lindsey Colbourne

Lindsey Colbourne

prettier-ignore-start Ra76gtzznkaooke50bz9g prettier-ignore-end Marged Pendrell

Flotilla-Women of the Dwyryd

Abandoned-Quarry door/Fireplace/Window

Sand Library

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