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Following IN//Footsteps OF (2nd iteration)

By  Natalie Ramus 2019
This was a second iteration/reworking/exploration of the work Following IN//Footsteps OF (first born at Tempting Failure Festival of Noise and Performance 2018) which was shared as part of the Oxytocin - Mothering the World Symposium at Kings College London in 2019 produced by Procreate Project in collaboration with Birth Rites Collection. This was a 3 hour durational performance. Materials: 90 eggs, a pair of shoes, a milk bottle filled with milk and suspended from vagina, multiple black silk sutures. MY BODY IS NOT CURRENCY, NOR IS IT AN OBJECT TO BE OWNED OR PASSED FROM MAN TO MAN. MY BODY IS FLUID, AND WILD, AND ONE WITH THE TIDES OF THE MOON. Following IN//Footsteps OF is an attempt to reclaim space and time through acts of precarious tenderness, in an extended moment of rupture. Symbolic objects become conduits for connection with a disrupted experience of domesticity. Threads that pass through the surface of the skin allow for the body to extend beyond here and now. This installACTION questions the role of the female and all that encompasses; roles of mother, sister, daughter are societal constructs with given rules and expectations of both behaviour and fertile purpose. Following IN//Footsteps OF aims to expose the weight of these expectations, whilst also dismantling them. Through destruction comes creation, and so this space will allow for a reconsideration through actions of resistance.

Katie Edwards

Katie Edwards

Katie Edwards

prettier-ignore-start Hgsxazfoek3lvu6byeeuw prettier-ignore-end Natalie Ramus

Splintered Land:Bodyscape



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