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Friends of Fuzzy Memory, 2019

By  Pippa Eason 2019
Image in fore, by Pippa Eason. Curated by Will Marshall, photographs courtesy of Will Marshall. 'Friends of Fuzzy Memory' is a series of sculptural works from Manchester based artist Pippa Eason. 'BENEATH: Friends of Fuzzy Memory' is an exhibition which examines Eason's work through the lens of five artist's practices: Robin Broadley, Jon Edgley, Gwen Evans, Laura Hopkinson and Joe O'Rourke. Each has produced new work in direct response to the ideas, aesthetics and themes they recognise in Eason's work. The pieces draw inspiration from it, but remain distinctly manifested in their own practice. By installing these works alongside Eason's, the exhibition offers a critically reflective study of her sculptures, providing five alternate perspectives on them. It also aims to explore the diverse and varying development processes that artists engage with when creating artworks in response to the complexity presented by other artworks. Pippa Eason Robin Broadley Jon Edgley Gwen Evans Laura Hopkinson Joseph O'Rourke'
prettier-ignore-start JAL 6957 Small 1723975541 prettier-ignore-end Pippa Eason


Sculpture Table, 2020

'The Ball of My Foot', 2019, Seager Gallery, Installation shot

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