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Pippa Eason

Leeds / Manchester

Pippa Eason (b.1993), is a contemporary artist, based in Manchester, with her studio based at PINK (Stockport). Highlighted shows include, Solo: ‘The Ball of My Foot’, SEAGER Gallery, April 2019, London, ‘FUN’ GRAFT Gallery, October 2019, Lancaster, and ‘Much Too Shy’ AIR Gallery, July 2020, Manchester, her latest solo project Funny Blurry & Everything Hazy produced and curated by MDP, PINK Manchester, September 2021, and Objects at Play, a duo with Charlotte Dawson for Middlesbrough Art Weekender, September 2022. Awarded DYCP Funding in June 2024.

Eason’s work includes immersive installations that centre on autoethnographic explorations of my relationship with her body, and how she navigates physical space. Through her work, she makes sense of an entangled internal world, constructing a visual language built on gestures, interactions & storytelling that speaks of personal anecdotes.

Over the last decade, her work has addressed a significant gap in the socio-politics of mental health, specifically from a female perspective, focusing on sculptural installations, many of which have repeat motifs or symbols. Her practice encompasses sculpture, drawing, 3D prints, sound & performance, offering unique avenues for expression & introspection. She has introduced ceramics into her work, providing her with a tactile medium to explore the nuances of my personal narrative & the chance to delve deeper into the intersection of art & the mind. 


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