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Holywells Park Bench Project

By  Tim Germain 2015
With a sand-blasted pattern replicating the patterns of the filtration ponds in Gainsborough's famous painting of the park, this Bench Project was made using storm-felled oak from the park itself. The design developed out of workshops with the team of dedicated volunteers who do great work to keep this great park looking fantastic. The Park Manager, whose office overlooks the parks, comments on how, when the bench frees up, families sitting at the nearby café pick up their cups and move over to the bench, oftentimes striking up conversation with the others sitting on the other half of the bench. Community-building in action, with free Wellbeing thrown in for good measure.



some of the fantastic Friends of the Park who mucked in

Etzfimpnokmjjpauklehxa Tim Germain

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