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I c e l a n d

Flag tape (barrier tape), sticky tape, 310 x 410 x 160 cms (10' x 13'5'' x 5'3'') A site-responsive installation made during the Gullkistan residency, Iceland. This work utilizes the slopes of the roof and is built flat to the wall behind, standing back, yet assertive, allowing passersby access to the rear. The work has an iciness and links to ice sheets, a white out, rocky outcrops, music, harmonies and silence, drawings, bars and barriers, antenna, aerials and aerial, of the air. The tapes hang free, barely moving with the air currents notably from the heater behind. Light reflected on the moving tape appears to slip or drip down the tape and makes an unexpected connection to melting, the action of heat in the warm room and more widely hints of global warming.
Ghsbwoscg0ib3xym9ypquq Susan Williams

Fall Out



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