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'I can still feel the wind in my hair'

Julian Germain

300cm x 600cm

A fascination with maps brings together Bridget Kennedy's two main interests: landscape and the translation of information. Looking is an activity that is under constant scrutiny in Kennedy's practice, with regard to cartography she is intrigued by the leap of imagination that a map-reader undergoes in order to understand a three dimensional environment when looking at a set of symbols on a piece of paper. She expects her viewers to work together with her on their relationship with her pieces. she gives clues in her titles, 'I can still feel the wind in my hair' hints at the territory between the emotional and the technological. The conceptual system behind this wall drawing allows the work to be adapted to many different spaces, thus far it has been created as a temporary piece in three different locations, however it has the potential to be made as a permanent mural. A version of this work will be made as an outdoor mural in Iceland in June 2008 as part of the Veggverk programme.

Julian Germain

Julian Germain

Julian Germain

Julian Germain

75928 Bridget Kennedy

Viewfinder One (detail)

As Above So Below

The Azimuth of Iron

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