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Iceland Stories unique book

By  Pat Hodson 2012

Mike Hodson

45 cm x 35 cm x 4 cm (Total size of box)

Iceland Stories - unique edition A collection of images and poems which draws on landscape, the people, history and myth of Iceland. This and earlier books evolved from a residency in Skagastrond in the north of Iceland, where Pat Hodson worked alongside a poet and a sound artist. It is both an individual and a collaborative response to shared experience and memory. This is special hand made unique edition of Iceland Stories has been produced in 2011. What began as one book became two volumes - Iceland Stories and More Iceland Stories. It is large format, highly tactile and has an accompanying sound sequence. Each page is made by hand by pasting together long fibred tissue and silk. The marks and shapes embedded between the translucent pages interact with the digital montages - emphasising the surreal nature of the landscapes of Iceland. Each book : 43 cm x 29 cm (Encaustic collaged box 45 x 33 x 6.5 cm) Iceland Stories : 33 pages More Iceland stories 32 pages Images and book construction by Pat Hodson Poems by Liz Cashdan Sound sequence By Jessica Rowland The full collection of the poems, images and sound sequence was published 2012

Mie Hodson

Mike Hodson

Mike Hodson

Mike Hodson

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Seepage no 3


Shadows - Deconstructed

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