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In Ruin at Stryx Gallery

By  Paul Newman 2023

Paul Newman Birmingham Wholesale Wastelands, Dusk till Dawn, diptych. In Ruin, Stryx 2023

Installation views of 'In Ruin' a solo exhibition outcome for Stryx Gallery, Birmingham as part of Pressure Cooker: Soup VI artist residency programme. ‘A re-enactment of repetitions and rituals against the backdrop of relentless urban regeneration all around this artists’ studio space and the city in general. The Stryx gallery will present painting, objects and live performance, exploring personal themes in relation to romantic and haunted notions of ruins; of architecture, the body and the mind.’

Paul Newman Fireside Twist & study for a van by a stream installed for 'In Ruin' Stryx, June 2023

Paul Newman Installation detail 'In Ruin' Stryx Gallery, Birmingham June 2023

Paul Newman Model for an Iron Mask from 'In Ruin', Stryx Gallery, Birmingham June 2023

prettier-ignore-start U5mugts3jesih0zrovwmaq prettier-ignore-end Paul Newman

Woodland House paintings I & II

The Fly Portrait series 2007 -18

The English Gothic Painting series

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