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Istanbul Pride 2017

Gay Pride Istanbul (Turkish: Onur Yürüyüsü) 122 cm x 153 cm on canvas, Amersham,UK, October/November 2016 This painting depicts the the gay (LGBTQ) pride in Istanbul in 2017. The march got banned in 2016 'for the safety of our citizens, first and foremost the participants’, and for public order.' Read more: It does not look like the authorities will actually allow tha march in the near future. This painting is inspired by James Ensor's 'Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889'. The composition including several important elements are transferred and altered from Ensor's masterpiece. Jesus is replaced by a drag queen, the soldiers are replaced by a police force just to name a few elements. Feel free to analyze and compare the two paintings. Click HERE: Part of Bad Painting:
prettier-ignore-start S8msf71pg0m2dxrpdwvl8q prettier-ignore-end Jay Rechsteiner

Death does not exist

Holiday Maker

I am building a house and I am far away. Somehow I am building my house. For now I have a pile of bl

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