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Jane X

By  Adam Grose 2020
JANE X Freed property of ‘Pale children of the feeble sun’ Thomas Chatterton ‘Bristol, thine heart hath throbb’d to glory. – Slaves, E’en Christian slaves, have shook their chains, and gaz’d With wonder and amazement on thee. … They fill their mouthing, vap’rous sighs and tears, Which, like the guileful crocodile’s, oft fall, Nor fall, but at the cost of human bliss.’ Ann Yearsley ‘A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave trade’ Inscribed to the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Fredrick Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry & Co February 1788 Watercolour and Oil Paint on Watercolour Paper Feb 2020 Adam R. Grose
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Layered History I

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