journal cups ( with Dig )
- Installation Art
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Photography
- Writing and Text-Based Art
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
- Social & Political
O cm
Mitbringen. Mitnehmen. BBK - Mitglieder stellen aus 2024
Nicolet Boots and Shelagh Atkinson are contributing together to the yearly exhibition.
In Galerie der Künstler, Munich from 7/12/2024 -15/1/2025
A connection between Scotland - The Netherlands, crossing borders and boundaries for more than 30 years, the ties that bind us together included in the exhibition pieces.
Nicolet Boots - Journal Cups - transform what you take with you to find connection in our
common human feelings.
Shelagh Atkinson - On archives - the past and the connection to the present, moving forwards. It
is about transformation and expansion of ones view and of ones practice
Shelagh Atkinson ‘Dig : an excavation of mine ‘
Nicolet Boots ‘Journal Cups‘
Fragments from a diary, pieces of paper filled with words and memories, of days lived and thoughts thought, made into cups, the blue ink of the handwriting barely visible,
the paper covered in fine plaster and bee wax,
a container, a silent reminder of the days lived, and the days ahead.
Nicolet Boots works with a variety of materials and especially loves to work with bee-wax and oil
paint. Her two-dimensional works are in constant dialogue with her three-dimensional works.
Together the artworks unfold a sensitive, tactile and multi layered view of the natural world, and
us, as human beings, being part of it.
Nicolet Boots