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King Qeen

By  Alexis Rago 2009

the artist

30cm high

I take motifs and ideas from both the natural and human worlds; not as if they were unconnected but more as manifestations of deep-seated mechanisms, algorithms, concepts, call them what you will, that are hard-wired and common to, in some cases all, living organisms. These are expressed in our engagement and delight in pattern and form through art and design. The titles are a taxonomy that crosses the boundary from the biological to the sociological often making reference to the impermanence of human society. I treat the works as fossils of past hierarchies seen from a future viewpoint. Their extinction and therefore transience is alluded to in an assertion that our deepest meaning if not purpose is to bear witness to our own existence and that of all Creation.
prettier-ignore-start Sl1eprhd3k2xblw9fkewcq prettier-ignore-end Alexis Rago

Hidden Ritual

Forms Most Beautiful


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