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Koh Yao Noi

Video still, Clara S Rueprich

2channel-Video installation, DV Pal, color/sound, 13:25 min.

Two films are projected onto opposite walls of a room. Both films show the same view over the sea at Koh Yao Noi, where bizarre rocks jut out of the water. One film starts with total darkness, one can only hear the sound of ocean waves. Then, the morning dawn appears, nature awakes with the voices of birds. Like patterns boats go out into the sea. The other film shows the same view while it is getting dark in the evening until the night begins. Between sunrise und sundown there was the Tsunami; nothing in the films indicates this fact. Paradoxically, the catastrophe is present in the room by its absolute invisibility. At the time of the Tsunami I was on the island of Koh Yao Noi (South Thailand). I worked there to prepare a future project; therefore I recorded videos every day at sunrise and sundown. I also did so on 26th December without any knowledge or premonition that a Tsunami would come from the sea.

Clara S Rueprich

Clara S Rueprich

4jflzq2x0oukn1id1xncg Clara S Rueprich


Slide projection, contribution to the competition for a site-specific work for the new exhibition hall of the Academy of Art in Nuremberg . (Winner of the first prize) The architecture of the Academy of Art is characterised by wide, open vistas. Through the open passageways, courtyards and pavilions, whose large window fronts open directly onto the fields and woods, architecture and nature appear closely bound. In contrast, the new exhibition hall is closed off from the exterior…

Virtual view (virtuelle ausblicke. schein der durchschaubarkeit)

Growth zone (Wachstumszone)

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