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By  Robert Foster 2016

Zoe Plummer

Labyrinth (2016) Wooden bookcase, books, rosemary, earthenware vase, iron pyrite fossil slab, crystal wands, Dungeons and Dragons miniature, opaline crystal skull, antique copper plate print (circa 1875), antique lithograph print (circa 1870). A working reference library available for use for visitors to the exhibition These Thoughts Form Between Us, NN Contemporary Art Project Space, Northampton, UK. Containing books that were key to my research into spirituality and pseudo-science for the show, the work is also open-ended with new texts and materials added as my study into the field of esotericism continues.

Zoe Plummer

Zoe Plummer

Zoe Plummer

Satjryuhxeolddgrrgqd8w Robert Foster


Musings of Mehrangarh

Holy Writ

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