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Lark Song

By  Caro Williams 2021
Aluminium song notes, ribbon, blue floodlights, soundtrack (lark song) RAMM – Museum at Large Public Art Commission Site: Site: Rougemont Gardens, Sweet Chestnut Tree, Exeter Lark Song is inspired by RAMM’s bird collection which includes species whose song we no longer hear, alongside those in danger of being lost. Once frequently heard, the skylark is on the conservation red list. As well as reflecting on the fragility of species, Caro’s work celebrates the wonder and joy of birdsong, recalling a line in George Meredith’s poem ‘Lark Ascending’ ..... ‘He drops the silver chain of sound’. Sound recordings from Dartmoor used with the kind permission of the British Sound Library.
Ixoiwlp5ewifzjt4ot2xw Caro Williams

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Blue Notes

Spinning Poem

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