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LCSS llanelli Cluster Primmary Schools Llanelli

By  David Lloyd 2016 - 2017
Environmental and recycling project working with three primmary schools in llanelli, Halfway, Bigyn and Stepenheath. Educating children through the medium of sculpture how littering harms the environment and habitat. Working with recycles home waist, litter picking from the beach, recycled clay and modroc.

Recycled clay, newspaper paper, masking tape, poster paint and PVA

Recycled Clay, newspaper, masking tape, poster paint, PVA

Recycled Clay, recycled beach waist, newspaper, masking tape, poster paint, pva

David lloyd jersey marine gatewa 115469 David Lloyd

Byrgwm Raven Wings

LCSS Cluster Schools Llanelli Recycling and Environmental Art Project

Greenfield Millennium Gateway

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