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Lifting the Curse

By  Tim Shaw 2021 - 2023

´We curse the Royal Academy and all its members’ - Gilbert and George, The Times, 12th February 2021
These words inspired the creation of ´Lifting the Curse’ whose burnt remains have been resurrected into something new.

The large votive figure was constructed with tree branches tied to a metal frame–its insides filled with material intended to absorb negative energy.

Springtime came and with it, the great rush of wildflowers. Further east, Russia stormed Ukraine and began its slaughter and devastation of a free people. 

On 9th April, ´Lifting the Curse’ was burnt in a field where two ley lines cross. A Pillar Man incantated, showering the form first with water, then with fire, to transform the accumulated dark forces. As fire consumed the figure, ‘Groung’, was sung for all those who flee tyranny and war.  

As the flames died, ashes were gathered; and summoned by an Oss, Tease and drums, a torchlight procession filed down to the river. A smoky haze mingled with the damp headiness of bluebells and garlic, as ashes were ceremoniously thrown to the air, water, and earth.

We do not know how the metaphysical affects the material world but even Putin recognises the power of the unseen. It is why Mikhail Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita must never be mentioned in his presence. 
                                                                                                                          Words Hold Power

A film, sculptural installation of the burnt remains and Giclee print will be exhibited at the Roayla Academy Summer Exhibition 2022. 

A photograph of the burning was used as the cover image for The Court, a track from Peter’s recent album, i/o. Film footage of the burning also accompanied his performance of The Court during last year’s worldwide tour.


Pjywx7npsk2yigftoqzhhg Tim Shaw


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