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‘Linga-Yoni, Black Fountain, 2015 to 2017’

A sister piece for ‘Duchamp’s Ring by Mike Chavez-Dawson, 2013 to 2017’, this again references the Arturo 1964 version of 'Fountain', the choice of material also signifies the similarity between this particular shape and the Linga-yoni... Sculpt & Ring medium, cold cast black marble dust, car paint & varnish, 9ct with bespoke plinth (poplar-wood & tunic oil, cast plastic lid). Dimensions 4cm H 2.5cm W 3.5cm D. Edition of 7 (only 4 editions left 4 to 7)
prettier-ignore-start 81d6gt5cae6xziktqgfdxq prettier-ignore-end Mike Chavez-Dawson

NINE Shots...

‘Scoring a Concrete Poem between Blackpool & Brierfield v1, 02082014’


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