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Lost in Transit

By  Penny Hallas 2023

Horse hair pieces various sizes: approx 1 metre length, frames average 6x9cms. Series of 18 sketches: acrylic ink on photo paper, each 10x15cms. 'Large drawing seated on Horse pelvis is one of 3 'Works': 81x122cms crayon, pastel, charcoal, black chalk lead.

Works for 'Lost in Transit'. Curated by Alex Boyd Jones, the intention of this exhibition was to re-imagine some of the ‘hazy, distorted, incomplete or absent narratives’ of the historic Carriageworks - a site of manufacture in the heart of Denbigh and now studioMADE with Angela Davies and Mark Eaglen. To see more of my process and works made see Blog

With fellow artists Louise Short and Zoe Preece

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Boxing the Chimera

Cats Eyes 2

The Future of the Universe / Mae Dyfodol y Bydysawd

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