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Lower Weir Nocturne

By  Phil Lambert 2020
This is part of a series of nocturnes painted along the river in winter at night. Sometimes there is very little to see and its always exciting to get them back into the light to see what was captured. I suppose that in that way it shares that delay with wet photography... The paint used is a homemade paint made from homemade Apple tree charcoal. This is ground and mixed with linseed oil. The reduced subject matter and simple paint allow me to concentrate on mark making and the qualities of the paint, whilst hopefully capturing something of the character of the river at night. They also pay homage to Peder Balke a Norwegian artist who produced a series of single pigment paintings towards the end of his life.
Apt1eavsdu5lzpyt5mpw Phil Lambert

Every Witch Way

The Whitehead Project


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