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Marcellus Mind Maze, vinyl, 2m 80 x 2m 30, 2012

By  Mary Yacoob 2016
A site-specific drawing/maze on the floor of Ovada galllery in Oxford made from bronze-coloured vinyl. The design of the drawing based on a splicing of a diagram of a cross-section of a human brain and the architectural plan of the Marcellus Theatre in Rome which inspired Christopher Wren's design for the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford.
Lrkllenecklkqabjxewa Mary Yacoob

Modular Maze, 2010 gold vinyl on floor, 220 x 220 cm

Modulor Hakka House, , ink and graphite on paper, 50.8 x 40.6 cm, 2014

‘Algorithmic City Plan 2’, 20 x 16 inches, ink and graphite on paper, 2012

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