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Monument to 2020

By  Harriet Hill 2021
Brown paper, gold leaf, perspex display box. 5 cm sq. Made for Groving Projects 2021 and placed on the street in Bury St. Edmunds until it was found. Writers Lynn Whitehead and Phil Barrett were invited to respond to the piece. Lynn White head wrote: Twenty twenty - the year that never was. The most numerically pleasing of years which was never allowed to be. Never allowed to shine. A little wad of tempting twenties. All promise and no delivery it was a box of treasure sealed forever. Glimmers of sparkle, months of the mundane, all folded together like a year-long chain. We locked it away for our safety. Saw it with clear vision and sealed ourselves from it. Untouchable now. Gone. We can look but never get back to it. Never get it back.
prettier-ignore-start 4onujprppk61ldtrxp9qdg prettier-ignore-end Harriet Hill

Negotiation (Giantelephantpant)


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