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Monument to Obscurity - a biography of a contemporary of Augustus John

By  Louise Marchal 2010 - 2012

Louise Marchal

Assemblage sculpture looking at female creativity and obscurity. It is based upon children's lantern books which fold out to a pentagram. As a book it is a pictorial biography of the little known Yorkshire sculptor, Frances Darlington (1880-1940), whose biography I was researching and writing at the time. Five facets depict various facets of her identity. The cover is a tapestry which was copied, stitch by stitch from a watercolour by Frances Darlington's mother, Emma. Emma is known to have painted and to have sold work, but she is even more obscure than Frances. The tapestry demonstrated the usual fate of women's creativity before girls (such as Frances) were openly admitted to art school in the late nineteenth century : ie decorative embellishment. Frances was a contemporary of Augustus John at the Slade.

Louise Marchal

Louise Marchal

Louise Marchal

5gmvc8hzc0yvitgqn95glw Louise Marchal

I Stole the King's Road

Ongoing Research

Augustus John Leaves the Pheasantry

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