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Ode to water (see the sky mirror as but reflection)

By  Robert Foster 2016

Zoe Plummer

Ode to water (see the sky mirror as but reflection) (2016) Floating shelves, thyme, open-source 3D print (Julia Vase #001 - Aqua by virtox), onyx wolf statuette, mirror, antique print (circa 1875), table, copper vase, selenite, monitor screening video sourced from Youtube; The Moon is NOT what we've been told! by Mr Thrive and Survive. Inspired by research into Tarot, the series Ode to... reinterprets the four suits (wands, swords, cups and pentacles) within the deck as a series of sculptures that draw upon the elemental correspondences of the minor arcana, as well as the alchemical and magickal associations relevant to each category. Bringing together a range of materials including crystal skulls, living herbs and plants, archaeological finds, collectables and open source 3D prints, the works ruminate on the manner in which abstract knowledge is understood, shared and distributed.

Zoe Plummer

Zoe Plummer

Zoe Plummer

prettier-ignore-start Satjryuhxeolddgrrgqd8w prettier-ignore-end Robert Foster

The Judgment

A matter of scope and 'scape

Ode to air (still the flutterings)

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