Marilyn Rathbone
2012 - 2013
76 x 38 x 11 cm
“Pastimes” celebrates the game of draughts, handmade buttons, and bygone times. Draughts, extremely popular in Georgian times, has been played in the United Kingdom for centuries. In my version, the board is made from wrapped square buttons, Art Deco in style, and the draughtsmen from Edwardian style Lace Shirtwaist buttons.
Small Lace Shirtwaist buttons have been used to attach the square buttons, through punched holes, to the upper side of the board - rather like upholstery buttons.
Materials: Como silk, brass curtain rings, grey board, paper
Techniques: hand-made buttons
photo taken, by Ann Goddard, at Platt Hall Gallery of Costume, Manchester
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