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Performance Anxiety (2020)

By  Elly Clarke 2020
A doubt-riddled monologue to the sound of pleasure. Shot on Zoom and Quicktime; mixed, performed & recorded via DJ Pro. Am I taking too long? Is this taking too long? Are you comfortable? Is this good? Am i good? Does this feel good? Is your arm ok? Was it a good investment? Am i? Does it feel like the right decision? Are you glad ? What good can yet another video do in this oversaturated world? Is it too rushed? Am I rushing you? Am I keeping you from doing other things? Am I too fast? Am I too slow? Should I speed up? Should I catch my breath? Should I allow you to catch yours? Commissioned by VLTV. More info: Please contact me for a link to the work.

Elly Clarke

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HOW ARE YOU? #Sergina’s Participatory Soap Opera about Wrestling with Wellbeing in the Digital Age, 31.03.20

Alternative Funding Strategy: India 2008

HOW ARE YOU? #Sergina’s Participatory Soap Opera about Wrestling with Wellbeing in the Digital Age (7 hours), 2020

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