Angela Eames
100 x 100
Pluto Passing #1 and #2. (Independent works)
Each archivally, printed, stretched, canvas is 100 cms square.
The planets as tangible artefacts offer a view into a virtual void wherein the presence of familiar
but in some way tainted spherical objects suggest that we take a second look. Though seemingly
recognisable the planets assume an alternative persona teetering between the material and the
ethereal. Their nibbled-away polygonal skins, reflect time’s passage and point to an unwarranted
human interference. Computer generated imagery is often stereotyped as being a rather banal and
predictable visual re-incarnation of aspects of the actual world. When working within three
dimensional computing space I want to exploit the actuality of the virtual. Why hide and disguise
polygonal underpinning? Why not utilise it? I might then be able to find the accidental and the
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